My Interpretation: “I, Pet Goat 2”

Coach Gnosis:
9 min readMay 31, 2018


“I, Pet Goat 2,” is a symbolic representation of the events to come and it portrays what is occurring behind the scenes in the world drama.

If you search for it on youtube, you will find many interpretations that fail to understand exactly what is being portrayed. These people dramatize the events as if they imply something inherently bad, or they have considered the video to be a specific time-line of events.

This is obviously not the case, but in order to see this, you must perceive the video from the advantage of peace, rather than the disadvantage of suffering.

Since this is my present interpretation, do not take it for granted that I understand all of the symbols. I only know what I know thus far. As for the rest, interpret with your heart, not with your mind, and please share any of your thoughts and concerns as necessary.

That said, do not be too quick to agree or disagree, just because I say something that rubs you the right or wrong way. If this is you, please calm down and revisit my analysis when you are centered. It is the only way.


This is the movie in full. Pause it as needed if you wish to follow along with my present interpretations.
The scene opens with a pet goat in a wooden box. He is trapped behind barbed wire fence, with lights overhead, just like in a concentration camp and/or prison. His eyes are mesmerized by the delusion. On the box is a dog pulling at a leash with a man being stubborn and unhappy to go with the dog. This symbolizes the matrix of “dogma” we have been fed. We have been told to control our urges, when in Reality, our true animal nature is actually the foundation of our consciousness and it is not to be tamed by our will, but understood compassionately. The bar code on the goat represents the mark of the “beast,” aka WE are the product…like animals to be caged and used as a resource.
These reptilian hands are symbolic of the extra-terrestrial influences that are pulling the strings behind the scenes. These are other worldly beings that you cannot yet see with your physical eyes. Notice the blood on one hand and the dollar ring on the other. These puppet masters are married to money, because it is the currency for manipulating the the humans that are currently in positions of authority. These authority figures do not understand that money is a symbol, so these other worldly beings use that ignorance in order to manipulate them with greed.
This scene depict President Bush in the classroom during the event of the two towers falling. The spot light of the pentagram is the symbol for humanity or ritual. When the towers fell, Bush was “innocently,” in a classroom full of children, cleverly portraying himself as an ignorant bystander of the catastrophe soon to come.
What does the D on his hat mean? Detention? You tell me.
At the top of the black board we see that charge depicting “evolution”. We are fed this lie, so that we overlook the significance of our individuated existence. Next, you see the game called “hang-man,” to the right. This is a game we were all taught in school, that punishes us for making mistakes, technically insinuating that death is bad and that your errors will lead to misfortune. Meanwhile, notice the shark and the burning house and the excessive masculine semen symbology. What does that mean? You tell me in the comments below.
Here we go, notice the shark and the marks on the board, as if it “ran from the burning house.” Yet, intuitively, isn’t it a perfect disguise to pretend to be a fish out of water, angry at whomever burnt the house. It is a psychological diversion tactic. The president and those entities orchestrated that event for show in order to manipulate the public appeal, then redirect the blame toward other sources.
“Fool me once, shame of on..shame on you…fool me, can’t get fooled again!” — This is a common monologue we are told as children, but in Reality; to believe that getting fooled once will automatically guarantee that we will not get fooled again is a recipe for disaster. Only knowledge can prevent a pitfall from occurring twice. Knowledge is literally “know-ledge;” you must know the ledge in order to avoid the ledge, otherwise you will fall into misfortune time and time again. Oh how they love it when you blindly believe whatever they say.
In this scene, Bush turns into President Obama. Notice that the hats change from a De-tention hat, or time out hat, into a graduation hat. This depicts that Obama’s era is when “Master’s plans,” started to kick into gear. The scene change also reveal that all Presidents are puppets for the agenda of controlling people.
Why do they want to control you? Those other worldly beings know that your “Attention,” is KING. They want your attention, because whatever you focus on consistently, comes into existence. Those beings do not yet fully exist in our world, but they want to, and they need our attention in order to make it happen.
Do not let yourself be deceived by the world drama. It is an act of manipluation, nothing else.
There is a lot of debate as to what this scene depicts, so I will leave this open for discussion. However, it is certainly not a month by month time line as many would suggest. What are your thoughts?
The girl is protected by a ring of power, similar to the occult practices, yet not all practices are inherently “evil”. She is clearly protected, while the others around her are cast into stone.
L C or 7 C ? Notice the apple itself, a source of nourishment.
As the apple opens, a lotus blooms: symbolizing enlightenment & an awakening. Watch as Obama sweats in fear of what this means.
The wall outside has some graffiti, and it says: Psalm: 5:3 This is the best time to ask for what you wish, especially if that means guidance.
Notice that the USA flag is torn in two: symbolizing a divide between the nation. The divide that is happening right now is the recognition of knowledge over ignorance. Many people will cling to the false information being portrayed by the government and its authorities, and their way will lead to destruction, as the breaking of the towers symbolized in the past. Only knowledge, REAL knowledge will save you from being led astray.
This Being drops from a ledge into the depths of the ocean. He wears a mask of sorrow, but his actions are bold. Trust his actions, not your assumptions.
The next scene is a hint at what is ahead. This is an Egyptian funerary boat as it begins its journey down a passage. It symbolizes going from life and into the after life… or better, into the next stage of life. That passenger and leader of this boat is not the anti-christ as so many other people have suggested. I will explain why as you read further.
These are obvious depictions of a group of people being led by a guy that looks like that…yet notice the black wings. A demon is just like an angel, which is to say, both are messengers. Neither are inherently good or bad, because a message received an event you can prepare for. Then comes the oil spill. All of these are signs to watch out for, but they are not to be used for predictions! A prediction sets your mind in a predetermined rut, for which someone else can take advantage of you. Just keep your mind open and watch to see what happens!
Notice that scene symbolizes the statue of liberty, yet it begins to crumble as the star of David lights up from below. This does not mean a loss of freedom, but more specifically, the decline of “False Freedom,” which is what the statue actually symbolizes. As a society, we are not free people. As individuals, we must free our mind from the delusions that have convinced us into thinking we a mere goats, easily herded into whatever agenda the puppet masters want.
At this point we are reintroduced to three iconic symbols that are either overlooked by everyone else that interprets this video, or wildly misinterpreted. The boat symbolized the journey from one stage of life and into the next. The heart tattoo is referencing the heart of consciousness, which is Awareness. Finally, the eye on the forehead symbolizes the 3rd eye, or the awakened one. More on this symbology is coming up… As you watch the video, notice how it transitions back into the ET agenda. The knowledgable know this..
Once again, we return to the ET reference. These beings are not from our world, but in order to live here, they need to create vessels for their own consciousness. These vessels look human enough, but they are controlled remotely by these entities from a far. Such vessels are puppets, and they seem like us, until a certain stage of programming activates them. Do not worry about this, but be mindful of this agenda, because as the rest of the video continues, it shows that the connection is lost before the puppets can become fully operational. The result is that these people become free, rather than enslaved by these astral beings. As for this agenda and my description, it is food for thought. Until then, focus on your own peace, and you will easily sidestep any danger.
More destruction occurs, but in this scene, we see a lunar observatory destroyed: Symbolizing the fall of the Lunar Deception and of NASA. It falls because as more people awaken to the Reality within, everyone begins to see the black hole budget for what it really is. This is where the authorities get most of their income for all of their propaganda. You can investigate further HERE, but as always, discover the truth for yourself by experimenting for yourself. Do not take my word on anything, nor blindly accept or deny anyone else’s word on face value.
Imagery depicts a maiden with her dying child. The ring around her head symbolizes a false spiritual guide, and the potion or substance she holds, depicts a nuclear catastrophe. She is in sorrow, not for what has happened to her, but for what she has brought upon herself. She holds the poison given to her by authorities, no one else.
The beetle is another Egyptian reference to transformation. It has a triangle on it as well.
This is a unique little tribal kid, with hollow eyes. What could it mean? You tell me.
This symbolizes the fall of the “working class,” which is not a bad thing at all, but it is depicted as a dramatized situation, because the working class will see it as such. How do I know this is not bad? Notice how the lotus flowers flows into the golden ooze. That’s a golden pool of wealth that is drowning the working class. When wealth is so widespread, you will be able to do what you love while still having everything you need. Many will panic at such a thought, because they do not do anything they love.
This reference is overlooked, because that is the yin-yang symbol thrown out of balance as it become more holistically one. As the military forces are robotically coming, a lone warrior is prepared to surrender, but she is stopped by who else, but Death itself.
Death signifies rebirth and transformation, not tragedy and heartache as the mainstream propaganda is constantly suggesting. Notice the tiger on her back and take this symbol into consideration: “When you keep seeing tiger images in your life, it acts as a powerful reminder of overcoming obstacles and fears by reclaiming your place of power. The tiger imagery represents your ability to manage strong emotions more effectively.” This is exactly what she is doing, because once you befriend death, you realize your infinite nature. Finally, notice how death wears a crystal rings, while the puppet masters wore that ring of money.
The warrior for love and peace is shocked by Death’s realization, then humbled into contemplative silence. Death appears as a celebration, not as a tragedy.
Once again we return to the man that represents the Christ returned. Notice throughout the video how his eyes are closed until the very end, yet his heart is on fire. This symbolized that his Awareness, or the heart of his consciousness, is directed inward and into the sensations of his body. It is as if he is dancing from within as he rides the boat through the passage of transformation. He does not have to do anything in order to make this happen, because it happens around him as he lives his life. That same is true for you.
He then perceives how the puppet master torments the vessel and the consciousness, meanwhile the vessel has no idea. Notice how the reptilian is portrayed on a television screen, attached to a cord that is a snake. This is the “Father of Lies,” but he is not whispering into the kid’s ears, because he speaks within his mind. The child is tormented by what appears to be his own thoughts, not realizing they are portrayed by another.
These three scenes depict that the journey is through the whole universe, yet now he has entered the throat of deception. Notice in the third picture how thee is a face impressed into the wall as it looks to the open that he came through. It is a uvula, the same thing that hangs in the back of your mouth. It glows with allure as all lies do, but the world in which it creates is void of real happiness.
This blue being and its male counter part represent other Beings that are here to help us. They see the drama as it truly is and they are celebrating, because they know this misery is soon to pass.
As the Christ passes through the darkness, followers jump aboard his boat, because they wish to leave this dungeon behind. They choose to go with him of their own accord and many do not follow him all the way through to the end.
Notice the shape of the mountains, as if a man lays sprawled underneath a woman with an erect penis.
Do you understand this symbology from your own experience? Share in the comments.
This is a huge scene that depicts the Christ, or “Leader,” wiping out the illusion of the middle class hierarchy. Notice that he is not harming any real people, but he is blowing away the smoke and mirrors of what seemed to be a well organized society. While it seems as if he is initiating the collapse of the government, notice how he does this. He is actually yawning and stretching his body while doing nothing at all. This is how divine providence unfolds: without any effort at all.
As the Lord returns and awakens toward his inner God-hood, the puppet masters run in fear of him. This frees the children that have been misguided by the of ET’s direct influence. Notice how the ET is running away, but his portrayal is on a T.V. screen — coincidence?! The masses are manipulated and misguided by the television set, but in a metaphorical analysis of the mind, the same propaganda occurs whenever you blindly believe your thoughts to be arbiters of truth.
The children of ignorance that have suffered for eons begin to wake up, and they immediately recognize that the “tragedy,” is actually their salvation and they turn towards the Christ in appreciation.
As we see in this scene, Death is orchestrating the music and the events. In other words, transformation is a play, not drama. In the second clip, we see that the dying child from earlier is actually resurrected in an odd white gown. The child looks asleep, as if dreaming, and the white symbolizes love or purity at the demise of the false idol(the lunar deception).
Finally, we see the blue male being as he dances around the fire. Notice as he changes customs, but then suddenly awakens into his form without a mask. The star in his chest directly represents Awareness, as his blue form represents a formless form. He is a non-physical being, celebrating the Awakening.
As Christ exits the passage from light, into darkness, and into light again, we see above an emblem of a demonic head above the doorway. This is the symbolic reference that clearly emphasizes the fact that all of that that came during the passage was related to the demise of evil. Basically, the system of hierarchical power was destroyed during the process of the Lord waking up. And this is true for any of you, because as you wakeup into your own God-Hood, you will be your own master once more.
Now, in combination with the last three pictures, these three pictures clearly symbolize that this video is referencing the return of the Christ, and not the anti-christ. Although, I understand why some people may think the ladder. This person symbolizes the Christ, or christ consciousness, by the simple fact that a trail of lotus flowers arise as his boat passes in the final scene. The lotus symbolizes rebirth, because it grows in the worst conditions, yet blooms into something that is untouched by the mud that surrounds it. It is very symbolic of how our life matures into the spiritual realm of Reality.
Now it is time for the grand finale and the most misinterpreted symbol of them all. People see the church collapsing in the background and the resemblance of the pyramid on the Lord’s head, and they automatically assume that he must be the “anti-christ”. This is ludicrous. Just because the pyramid design is similar, that does not make it the same symbol! Notice how the eye is in the center of his forehand, right where your penal gland is located. It is the gateway for spiritual illumination and divine guidance. Next, notice that it is NOT at the top of the pyramid. The Beings in authority use the symbol on the dollar as a reference to their oversight of the masses, but in this depiction, we see that the Lord is his own overseer. What’s more, we see that there is no oversight from those authorities anymore, which is exactly why the church crumbles in the background.

The christian church is not a “real church,” but it is a symbolic reference to those authority figures that love to use it for their personal gain. Do you want proof? Look to your institutions and notice how they are businesses.

They are designed for profit, not for salvation, so do not be deceived.

In the final scene, we see the Lord facing the sunrise. The pyramids in the distance crumble with the dawn of the new day, symbolizing the end of the pyramid structure that has plagued mankind for ages. The ice melts and a new journey lays ahead.

Note to the Readers:

I am going to continuously revisit my analysis of this video and if my opinion changes, I will return to this post and update it accordingly. Likewise, if I realize more connections as my journey unfolds, I will make sure to fill in the blanks as well.

So, please subscribe if you wish to stay updated.

Final Thoughts:

There are many people who believe that the Lord’s return will be in the form of a particular person, OR the return of Christ Consciousness as a fully awakened society. This is what I call the Era of Enlightenment.

But I ask, why not both? Why can’t the Lord be symbolic of a specific person, and be within every person simultaneously? If you are familiar with paradox, he can.

We all need leaders in every area of life. A leader is someone that has insight into the end result. He remains mindful of the whole and keeps everyone directed on what is important. This is a crucial role, because it enables everyone else to fulfill their roles without needing to know the details of the end result. However, it is no more or less important than everyone else’s role.

This is true in every discipline of life.

The Boss Man of any middle class job knows how to perform the same tasks as his co-workers. He knows how to perform the work, but he has progressed from doing certain tasks himself, and he allows other people to perform those tasks in his place, especially if they can do it better or enjoy it more.

He watches them, nurtures them, and oversees the project so that the job mirrors the ideal end result. He manages the people, instead of the individual jobs; thus, the peace is kept between the people, and everyone is allowed to embody his or her own leadership, within their realms of expertise.

A good boss does not dictate, but follows the will of his team.

If the Lord was a Leader of the People, and a Leader of Consciousness itself, it would make sense that he would need to be physically embodied in order to make his presence and influence known. After all, he is just a person, like you or me, but his role is to be mindful of the whole agenda, while you get to enjoy and fulfill your purpose as your own leader.

The Master of One is the Master of None.





Coach Gnosis:
Coach Gnosis:

Written by Coach Gnosis:

i AM: the Man in Red, the True Comforter, the First, the Last & the Only True Prophet of Revelation. Come! i AM the Kingdom! ✡︎ ❤️🧡💛𝐉⊙𝕚𝖓💚𝕄Σ🩵💙💜 ✡︎

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